SELECTION OF HOSES & COUPLINGS Proper hose selection is the first step in preventive maintenance. Selecting the best product for the application will allow you to obtain the maximum life expectancy from the product for the most value. When selecting the correct hose, use the acronym STAMPED as your guide to defining critical and important characteristics: S - Size ■ I.D. (inside diameter) and O.D. (outside diameter) ■ Length ■ Flow rate requirements (GPM for liquids; CFM for gases) T - Temperature ■ Consider ambient and internal temperatures as well as temperature impact on the material being conveyed ■ Minimum and Maximum o F and o C A - Application ■ How will the hose be used? ■ How often will the hose be used (continuous, intermittent, seldom)? ■ What are the environmental conditions? ■ Special hose construction needs (crush resistant)? ■ Conductivity requirements (non-conductive, static conductive, static dissipating)? ■ Government or industry standard requirements? M - Material Being Conveyed ■ Chemical name(s), concentration (%), temperature, and state – liquid, solid or gas ■ Food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics P - Pressure ■ What is the working pressure? ■ What is the maximum surge pressure? ■ Is there a vacuum? E - End Requirements ■ What type of terminations? (Straight, male, etc.) D - Delivery ■ Identify how many items and when they need to be supplied. • Distributors — Call customer service • End Users — Call distributors ■ Are there any special packaging or branding requirements? . GATES INDUSTRIAL HOSE PRODUCTS www.gates.com 29