SAFE HYDRAULICS TM Preventive maintenance is especially important with hydraulic products. The high pressures and temperatures associated with hydraulics make hose and fitting maintenance, as well as selection, critical. If done correctly, the risk of injury and/or excessive, costly downtime decreases significantly. In addition, there is a growing awareness regarding costs associated with cleaning up a hydraulic spill (EPA). Combining top-quality Gates products with a regular preventive maintenance program will keep your equipment operating at maximum efficiency. Combining top-quality Gates products with a regular preventive maintenance program will keep your equipment operating at maximum efficiency. GATES SAFETY TRAINING SAFETY CONNECTIONS SM Gates Corporation powers progress by providing quality products and expert support to help you increase production, avoid downtime and decrease maintenance. Gates continues to lead the industry with product innovations and unmatched engineering support to improve fluid power conveyance efficiency, reliability, and economy. PROPER INSTALLATION + PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Improve workplace safety, reduce downtime, and increase production. There are several valid reasons to begin a preventive maintenance program. Costly emergency repairs, production downtime and worker safety are just a few. Safety Connections training provides in-depth guidance to avoid these issues to improve industrial hose performance. Ideal for facility personnel responsible for industrial hose management, the Gates Safety Connections program covers the following topics: ■ Industrial Hose Overview ■ Proper Hose Application ■ Industrial Hose Inspections ■ Handling + Maintenance ■ Cleaning + Storage ■ Industrial Hose for Specialty Applications ■ Troubleshooting To schedule an onsite safety survey or safety class on Gates Safe Hydraulics & Gates Safety Connections or to request a safety audit visit GatesSafety.com. . GATES INDUSTRIAL HOSE PRODUCTS 20 www.gates.com